E-bikes are efficient and enjoyable to ride. They are an affordable alternative for those who struggle to afford four-wheeled transportation. They can also be a fun way for people to run local errands when they don’t need to transport items in the trunk of a car.
Unfortunately, e-bikes can also be somewhat dangerous. As they have become more common on the road, the number of e-bike crashes reported has also begun to increase. E-bike riders and parents allowing young adults out on e-bikes may benefit from learning about the most important safety tips for these peppy bicycles with small electric motors.
Consistently wear a helmet
The laws about e-bike licensing and helmet use are different in every jurisdiction. Many states and municipalities require helmets when an e-bike rider is under the age of 18. Some states have already implemented helmet requirements across the board. Even if a helmet is not necessary to comply with the law, it is still beneficial for rider safety. Should a crash occur, a helmet can make the difference between life and death. It could also protect the rider from the worst injuries possible in a crash.
Pretending to be invisible
Many motorcycle safety professionals advise riders to pretend others cannot see them in traffic. This defensive driving tip may require that riders give up the right of way at a busy intersection or that they attempt to make eye contact with a nearby driver before completing a maneuver. E-bikes are small enough for drivers to easily overlook them in traffic. Riders who assume that others can’t see them can make choices that might significantly reduce their risk of a collision caused by and inattentive driver.
Monitor speed carefully
E-bikes typically have systems installed that restrict overall speed. However, software updates, mechanical changes and even traveling on an incline can lead to very fast speeds on e-bikes. The faster an e-bike travels, the better the chances of the rider losing control. They could be at risk of a citation because they exceed the speed limit for an e-bike. They may also have a harder time catching the attention of motorists when they move through traffic rapidly. Monitoring speed to comply with the law and ensure safety is very important while on an e-bike.
Regular e-bike maintenance and consistent compliance with all traffic laws are also both very important for the safety of e-bike operators. Those who do end up in e-bike collisions may have grounds for an insurance claim or possibly a lawsuit against a driver who has caused a crash.