Missouri automobile shoppers can save a lot of cash by purchasing a used vehicle. It seems that the older the vehicle is, the more money shoppers can save. However, are these savings worth it from a safety perspective? Every year, automakers are incorporating new,...
Kansas City Townsend Law Firm
Month: November 2017
The many reasons why bumper meets bumper out on the road
A 2008 study by researchers at the University of Michigan dissected nearly 7,000 motor vehicle accidents across the United States. The purpose? To find out why accidents happen in the first place. And the researchers found a few very important factors that are common...
More data on motorcycle accidents shows the scale of the problem
About five months ago, we wrote a post about motorcycle accidents and how the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found some alarming data from 2015. That post will seem similar to today’s post as we talk about a report from Canada that reviewed...
Street racing to blame for fatal crash that claims 2 lives
In an extremely unfortunate and upsetting accident, two people were killed in a car crash that involved street racing in Kansas City, Missouri. According to the police, the two cars involved — a gold car and a silver car — were racing each other as they...
Spinal injuries may not cause immediate pain
Car accidents are often far more violent and destructive than victims even realize. In some cases, a victim may suffer serious internal injuries that do not cause pain for hours or even days after the accident, complicating matters when they do begin to cause pain....
Three injured after three trucks collide
While the following truck accident didn’t occur here in Missouri or even in Kansas, it still is an important story to talk about. It shows the incredible power of these vehicles and how they can dramatically impact the lives of accident victims. The crash in...
Will the ‘textalyzer’ be a boon to road safety?
We haven’t talked about distracted driving and texting while driving in a little while, so today we wanted to touch on an interesting issue related to distracted driving. Although the source article for our story today doesn’t involve the state of Missouri, it does...